29THDSKD Series Skid Steer Snow Plow

29THDSKD Series Snow Plow

Don’t Lose the Load You Have Been Pushing

Sno-Way 29THDSKD Skid Steer Snow Plow on a yellow skid steer

Trip Edge on a Skid Steer Plow

The 29THDSKD series skid steer plow is available in 7-’6” and 8’-0” high strength steel moldboard and trip edge technology ensures that only the base angle trips when encountering an obstacle not the entire blade. This means you won’t lose the load you have been pushing.

Surface Impact Protection

What makes this plow different? Its high strength steel moldboard and Trip-Edge Technology ensures the base angle trips, not the entire blade. This protects your vehicle and driver from harsh impact when you hit uneven surfaces or obstacles.

Model 29THDSKD-7'6"
Blade Width 90"
Blade Height 29"
Weight 700 lbs.
Shock Killer™ Standard
Plow Lights Not Available
Down Pressure® Hydraulic System Not Available
Wireless Control Optional
Mount System A-Frame Linkage
Complete plow weight does not include weight of subframe.