Sno-Way’s® patented EIS® plow light connection system simply interrupts the truck lighting circuit to redirect energy to the plow lighting system. EIS® is standard on all Sno-Way® truck plows.
- Down-Time Reduction: Any commercial plower will tell you how they lost money when they fried a relay at 3:00 A.M. The super simple design of the EIS® system eliminates all failure-prone relays and modules.
- Corrosion Elimination: The enemy of electrical problems is corrosion. Corrosion is caused by salt and water – both ever-present in the world if plowing. The Sno-Way® EIS® system uses military-grade connectors that do not allow moisture in when in use or during storage.
- Simple, plug-and-play design: Sno-Way’s® EIS® system is so simple, it takes merely seconds to connect or disconnect the plow lights to your vehicle. The mating faces can only plug in one way and provide a positive fit in all weather conditions.
- EIS™ installs quickly and cleanly: Sno-Way’s® EIS® system uses only one main electrical harness for all vehicle makes and models. Without relays or large modules, installation is the cleanest and fastest in the industry.
When the plow is disconnected from the vehicle, seal together the EIS® connectors at the plow lights. Likewise, plug both EIS® vehicle electrical connectors together to complete the circuit for the vehicle lights.
When mounting your snow plow to the vehicle, simply connect the EIS® electrical connectors from the plow lights to the mating EIS® connectors on the vehicle harness.