29RSKD Series Skid Steer Snow Plow
Top of the Line Contractor's Plow
Move Up to 4.8 Cubic Yards of Snow
The 29R Series for skid steers get the job done. It’s built with commercial grade strength and adjustable wings to go from a straight plow to a plow box in a snap and move snow in a hurry.
Built for Home or Commercial Use
Sno-Way® SKD Expandable plows are built for either personal use or commercial snow plowing applications and work with
universal skid steer plate or tractor loader attachment plates for easy hook ups.
That Come Standard on This Plow
Model 29RSKD-8'-10"
Blade Width 106"
Blade Height 29"
Weight 839 lbs.
Plow Shoes Optional
Shock Killer™ Standard
Control Activation Single Switch
Plow Attachments Universal
Mount System A-Frame Linkage
Hydraulic Hoses 2
Complete plow weight does not include weight of subframe.