Sno-Way® Legal Information

Sno-Way® Legal Information

Sno-Way® International, Inc. retains all right, title and interest in all copyrights in all documents, text, images, and software owned by it.

Electronic copies are permitted solely for the personal use of individuals, provided that the copyright and permission notices appear thereon and that the material is not modified in any way.

Any transmission of the Web site material shall not be construed as granting any license or permission under any patents, copyrights, or trademarks owned or controlled by Sno-Way® International, Inc.

The information in this Web site does not pertain to any warranty of any nature and is transmitted on an “as is” basis, including text, images and links. Warranty information is set forth only in published warranty information documents issued from time to time by Sno-Way® International, Inc. (Contact Sno-Way® International, Inc. for warranty information.)

The information, images and links may change from time to time without any notice and without any liability. Sno-Way® International, Inc. may change any product, and/or information at any time, and specifically assumes no liability for technical inaccuracies or errors or omissions in this publication or links to it.

Sno-Way® International, Inc., maintains an ongoing product improvement program, and reserves the right to change product design, construction, materials and specifications without notice.

Sno-Way® Snow and Ice Control Equipment are protected by numerous U.S. and foreign patents with other patents pending. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Linked sites are provided as a convenience, and Sno-Way® International, Inc. is not responsible for the content of any linked site.

Communications to or with Sno-Way® International, Inc. via computer, e-mail, voice mail or other means will be held to the same standard as all other business communications. You have no right to, nor can you expect privacy in any communication with Sno-Way® International, Inc. Sno-Way® International does not resell consumer information data.

Please see Sno-Way® Limited Warranty Policy (s)


All inquiries regarding any of the above may be directed to:
Sno-Way International, Inc.
120 North Grand Avenue
Hartford WI 53027